Sunday, 25 September 2016

Upcycling Breakfast Table Chairs

These chairs came from an old college that was getting renovated. When I first bought them I had all sorts of colors I was going to paint them how my breakfast-nook would look... But I couldn't seem to get the nerve to pain them.

At first it was a red breakfast table and white chairs. Then a white breakfast table and red chairs. Then Yellow chairs and a grey table. Green factored in and out of these plans several times. But I couldn't decide, so I left it alone for a year. 

The breakfast area is a very important space in our house, it flows through to the rest of the house. I had to think, rethink, and re-rethink my plan. I had paint chips all over the place. And I kept coming back to green. 

When I finally decided on a turquoise-green paint, it was difficult for me to sand down these old chairs with so much history. I thought about the kids that must have sat in them, passing notes, falling asleep during lectures, sweating during an exam... lots of story's. 

Withought further adieu... here are the pictures. More to come...

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